Place Notes

Walking Friday / 19th June 2020

In the time of LockDown there are somethings that are the same each day (this being Day 96 in my LockDown) and some things that still, just about, manage to stick to a weekly pattern.

Pretty much every working day over the last three months I've managed to be up early enough to get a walk before facing up to the work inbox.  On Fridays, although I usually get up at around the same time, breakfast is a more leisurely affair and there is space for a rather longer walk.  A longer walk being a relative term since I'm still sticking to #StayLocal guidelines.

In my recent search for green spaces within walking distance I was reminded about "Green Lane" - at least I assume it's called Green Lane, since the house at the end of the lane is described on some maps as Green Lane Lodge.

One of my favourite local pictures of last year was taken on Green Lane between Christmas and New Year (it wasn't green at the time) - so it seemed like high time for a revisit.

At this time of year the lane is both greener and quieter.

And on the theme of longer walks, I thought I should tally up my walking mileage for the year so far.

Back at the turn of the year (about the time the winter Green Lane photo was taken) I set a few goals for the year.

I said I would try and take 366 pictures of the day (I'm still on track for that) and 12 pictures of the month (yep, still on target).

I said I'd try and fit in four blood donations (failing badly on this one).

I said I'd try and spend more time on Shetland - not doing at all well on that one either, going to need to spend a lot of time up north in the second half of the year.

And walking.  Aspiration was to log 2000 miles.  As of today, I've logged just over 750 miles, I'm going to need up the average quite a lot to reach the target - it would good to do some of these on Shetland!

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