Place Notes

Ultimate Friday / 26th June 2020

Funny word, ultimate.

Everyone seems to understand that penultimate means the ‘one before last’, but ultimate does have a variety of common usages.  It is often used to mean ‘the best’, but here I’m mostly using it to mean ‘the last’.

Back in November, I reduced my working week to four days, and said that I would log (or blog) what I did each Friday when I was planning to spend time outside, travelling, photographing, reading - and generally not being at my desk.  

For the first few months that all went well - I spent time on Shetland, in Austria, walking the Thames path, buying new cameras, buying new maps.  Then came Covid-19, and the Great LockDown of 2020 - which has rather restricted the travelling options but I have still generally managed to be away from the desk most Fridays.

I’ve attempted, recently, to use my Fridays to have a rather longer - but still local - walk than on other days - and to explore some of the ‘green spaces’ close to home that I’ve managed to previously neglect.

Today is the last Friday of my contract at Oxford Brookes University, so it seems like a good point to draw a line under the Friday blog routine - this is (I think) Friday Blog #35.

So what have I done with my ultimate Friday?

I’ve explored Brasenose Wood, I’ve made soup, I’ve eaten said soup, I’ve had a snooze in the shady corner at the end of the garden.  

And I’ve composed this blog post - sitting at the table at the end of garden.

Brasenose Wood

Posting in the Shade (yes, the grass probably does need cut)

Perhaps the ultimate Friday would have included a wander on Scat Ness - or a walk up to the lighthouse at Sumburgh Head - on Shetland, or a hike up a snow-filled Alpine valley.  

So, not the ultimate Friday.  But a pretty good Friday..

Blog will continue, but there won’t be a post every Friday. Probably.

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