Place Notes

Calm Friday / 12th June 2020

After last weeks rant the ambition was, and still is, to achieve something closer to calm for the Friday Blog this week - or at least as close to calm as the current state of the nation allows.

A good step towards calm for me is avoid the mainstream media (relatively easily done) and to not venture onto social media (significantly harder).

However, the real key (for me) is spending time outside - ideally wandering along the Shetland coastline in the company of orca, puffins, arctic terns, razorbills, guillemots, black guillemots, kittiwakes, gannets, shags, bonxies and otters. 

Puffin at Sumburgh Head (12th June 2018)

Scat Ness (12th June 2018)

In the current circumstances (this being Day 89 - in my diary - of LockDown) the best I can do is search for some local (OX3) green space.  The Ordnance Survey now offer a splendid online service that enables you to search for green space (ranging from parks, recreation grounds and golf courses, through to country parks and nature reserves).  

Over the last three months I've spent time at several local green spaces, but I was keen (for Day 89) to find a new green space.  

Step forward Magdalen Wood.  

This was once (until the 1950s) part of a much bigger historic Royal woodland running up into Shotover Country Park.  In the late 50s the Oxford Eastern Bypass was completed slicing the woodland in two - the bit inside the ring road is now referred to as Magdalen Wood West.

Deep in the Wood (12th June 2020)

Woodland Tracks (12th June 2020)

Old Wood (12th June 2020)

My wander may not have offered the coastal delights of Shetland - but it did provide lots of bird song, some muntjac deer, a green woodpecker - and a dragon.

Magdalen Wood Dragon (12th June 2020)

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