Place Notes

Refresh Friday / 17th April 2020

This is blog number 25 in the FridayBlog collection - and it's also (perhaps more critically) the 5th LockDownFridayBlog post - so well done if you've made it through all 25 (or 5).

When this shenanigans started I was always (at some level) expecting it to run for three months, but somehow the official line that we're now into this for at least another three weeks has come as a bit of the dose of reality.  I think I was be sort of expecting (or hoping or dreading) that it would 'all be over by Easter', so the return the desk at the end of the Easter break has been a bit of a struggle.

The fact that the government (in the UK at least) clearly have absolutely no idea how we might 'unlock' is both unsurprising and worrying.  I can't see a return to 'normal' (as in life before March) happening, but I'm really worried about the frantic 'catching up' that I can picture happening once the doors are unlocked - but I really doesn't think 'we' are really ready for a new normal just yet.

Having already talked about the challenge of getting back to the desk this week - it seemed that today needed to about refreshing the day-to-day activities (albeit without breaking the lockdown rules).

Refresh #1. The day started with a new early morning walk (or at least a variation on one of the regular walks)  - walking down to the Lye Valley and then following Boundary Brook - which at one point marked the  city boundary - past the Churchill Hospital.

Lye Valley
Boundary Brook-Side
Hospital Boundary

Refresh #2. Over the last few months the elderly (in tech terms; 6 years old) desktop Apple Mac has been really limping along, so I was delighted that its successor was dropped off at the house today.  The Post Office locally may be struggling, but the courier folks seem to be around somewhere on the street pretty much every day.  This is the last (planned) bit of technology refresh, well, for a while at least.

Technology Refresh

Refresh #3. It's been really good to get a morning walk in the sunshine pretty much every lockdown day so far  - and to be able to sit in the garden before and after my online meetings. But the dry weather (around OX3 - can't comment on what's been happening anywhere else, obviously) really is starting to take a toll on the garden, so an afternoon of rain to refresh the greenery and to refill the water butts was certainly needed.

April Shower

I'm not sure that I'm yet really set up for the next three weeks of lockdown, but at least (thanks to #2) the typing and picture finding for this post has been a bit less sluggish that it was for last week's edition.

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