Place Notes

28 Days

On my calendar we've just completed 28 days of 'LockDown'.  I know the official government lock down started a bit later - but it was on Monday 16th March that I decided that mingling with lots of other folks was not a good idea. On that Monday I relocated the stuff on my work desk to my home desk, and cleared just about enough space to let things carry on - and dusted off a webcam so that I could still enjoy the thrill of meetings.

I have managed to spend time outside on each of the first 28 days - mostly wandering the lanes, footpaths and green spaces around Headington - and have clocked up just under 120 miles.  My hopes of reaching 2000 miles for the year are looking increasingly dubious - unless I do an awful lot more laps of Bury Knowle Park.

I've put together an album of images taken around Headington over the last month - lots of pictures taken in the local park plus lots of spring blossom.

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