Place Notes

Virtual Friday / 24th April 2020

I always like to spend a block of time on Shetland at this time of year - the weather is often very good and it's also the time when the puffins return from their winter at sea to reclaim their burrows and their mates.

And I'm not going to let a pandemic get between me and my puffins, so some pictures from my archive - April Puffins. Virtually.
The prime place for puffin spotting at the south end Shetland is around the lighthouse at Sumburgh Head.  It's a fabulous place to visit, with a great visitor centre, splendid cakes and the lure of puffins.

1st April 2019

And by the middle of April it's a pretty safe bet that the puffins will be back, and once they are it's very difficult to resist just one more visit to Sumburgh Head.

10th April 2013
10th April 2018
10th April 2018
13th April 2013
13th April 2013
14th April 2018
14th April 2018
14th April 2018
19th April 2018
21st April 2018
21st April 2018
23rd April 2015
24th April 2018

If you haven't yet had enough puffins, I'll be continuing my ongoing virtual visit to Shetland (and occasionally to other parts of the world) - via a daily post #FromTheArchive each morning on my twitter feed (@rossmackenzie)

And if you need a spot of real time puffin spotting, live from Shetland - there's always the PuffinCam

And back in the real (or at least more local) world - today's meander (sorry, exercise walk) took me back up to the C S Lewis Nature Reserve - on a misty/atmospheric morning.  No puffins were spotted.

24th April 2020, C S Lewis Reserve Oxford

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