Place Notes

Lazy Friday / 14th February 2020

After an ‘active’ Friday (Thames Path) and a ‘retail’ Friday (Cameras), today was probably best catalogued as a ‘lazy’ Friday.

As is often the case my ‘lazy’ Fridays usually end up with time in a coffee shop spent either drafting blog posts or figuring out future travel plans - in this case either on foot (in the UK) or by rail (elsewhere in Europe).

The prelude to coffee was a walk through Mesopotamia (the Oxford version) - this currently has some novelty value, as the walk has only just reopened after being shut for most of the year.  I’ve lost track of which storm did the damage, but it is clear that a lot of river bank has been weakened - and the concrete pathway has suffered.  There is fencing in place now, but it certainly has a sense of temporary-ness about it.  There is also lots of tree damage - no doubt some from Storm Ciara last weekend, and likely more to come from Storm Dennis this weekend - although at the current rate I’m also expecting Ellen and Francis to hove into view shortly.

Temporary Repairs
Marston Bridge
Falling / Parsons Pleasure
Valentine's Day Wood Stack
Parsons Pleasure

And after a spot of coffee shop skulking, the latter part of the day was a slow walk back to Headington via Christ Church Meadow and the river bank - water levels were high but not yet overtopped (pretty sure that’ll have changed by the end of the weekend).

Folly Bridge / Thames
High Water / Thames 
Christ Church from the Meadow
Storm Damage / Oxford Botanics
At Magdalen Bridge

Next week; a 'travelling' Friday.

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