Monthly Report, September 2024

Another traveling month - almost all of the travelling by train and mostly spent in Northern Italy. 

Reporting Days: 30

Location; Mostly Italy

Distance Walked: 282 km

Distance Driven: c. 150 km

Photographs Taken: Many hundreds. Mostly Italian rivers and mountains.

Trains (and buses)

This was my fourth visit to Italy over the last 18 months - and they've all been by train, although no two trips have been the same.  

This month the trip started with the long day from London via Paris to Turin - the downside was the continuing need for a rail replacement bus to get around the still-blocked Frejus rail tunnel.  The upside was waking up in a Turin hotel room on a sunny Saturday morning with a chilled day ahead.  We probably wouldn't have been quite so relaxed if we'd known that the Sunday was the latest strike day on the Italian Railways! 

Friday evening in Turin

Strike Day Sunday in Turin

Boario Terme, Val Camonica, Lombardy

Despite the fact that these regular Italian jaunts sound like an ideal holiday, there is a serious purpose behind the trips.  Some of you will know that I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease a couple of years ago, and that Boario Terme is the home of the European Parkinson's Therapy Centre.  The Centre doesn't promise a cure but it does help one live better with Parkinson's.  Aside from exercise regimen, it's a splendid excuse to top up on good Italian food, decent Italian wine - and some warm Italian sunshine.  I expect to be back at the Centre again next May, and next Autumn.  And the following Spring and Autumn..

Parc Terme in Boario

Day out to Edolo in the Val Camonica, as were the Vespa Club of Pisogne

Bridge over the River Oglio in Boario

Val Gardena, Sud-Tirol

Having survived (thrived!) a two week stay in Boario Terme, it seemed right to add in some real holiday time.  The first stop was in Ortisei in Val Gardena - a delightful wee town in the heart of the Dolomites, with lots of cable car options to take the grind out of the high level walks.

Ortisei in Val Gardena

The high tops of the Dolomites have a fairy tale quality particularly with a dusting of fresh snow

Stubai Tal, Tirol, Austria

The next (and final) stop was in the Stubai Valley in western Austria (just a few miles south of Innsbruck).     This was one of several mountain trips that we had booked for Summer 2020, that got disrupted by the pandemic.

At the top of the Stubai Valley

Next month, more time in the Stubai Valley, and there might even be some pictures from Oxford.

Monthly Report, August 2024

Another (almost entirely) Shetland month, mostly spent loitering with the puffins and the pufflings at Sumburgh Head.  The puffins arrived a bit late this Spring, but they did stay around until much later in August than is usual - and I certainly don't remember seeing quite so many pufflings.

Reporting Days: 31

Location: Shetland

Distance Walked: 322 km

Distance Driven: 1442 km (mostly in the last couple of days as I headed south to Oxford)

Photographs Taken: Thousands and thousands. Mostly puffins and pufflings.

Puffins & Pufflings

This year all my puffin pictures have been taken around the cliffs at Sumburgh Head, in past years I've also seen puffins at other smaller colonies at the south end of Shetland, but not this year. 


Bring in the Sandeels


In the Mayweed

Puffling (still in the burrow)

Puffling (venturing outside the burrow)

In the Evening Sunshine

Sumburgh Head Lighthouse & Foghorn

And its not just puffins - some days you get to look up from the puffins and realise that there's pod of orca just behind you

Orca (with a youngster) heading past Sumburgh Head

Other attractions

Just occasionally I did feel the need to drag myself away from the Sumburgh cliffs, usually to Scat Ness or to Quendale Beach.

Scat Ness cliffs

Scat Ness Waves

Quendale Beach

By-the-Wind-Sailor on Quendale Beach

Next Month: Italy 

Monthly Report, July 2024

A Shetland Month. Lots of time spent around the south end of the Shetland mainland - particularly on Quendale Beach, Scat Ness and at Sumburgh Head.

Reporting Days: 31

Location: Shetland

Distance Walked: 323 km

Distance Driven: 884 km

Photographs Taken: Thousands. Mostly Puffins.

Days which included a visit to Sumburgh Head: 18

Days which included a walk on Quendale Beach: 26

Quendale Beach

This is my default walk from the house - most mornings (whatever the weather) and some evenings (if the weather is nice).

Clear water in Quendale Bay

Early morning low tide at Quendale Bay

Evening high tide at Quendale Bay

Sumburgh Head

There may be bigger puffin colonies - but I'm pretty sure there aren't many more accessible puffin colonies.  

Sumburgh Head is a splendid place to watch both puffins and (in July and early August) pufflings.  I haven't seen any 'official' numbers for this year, but I definitely think I've seen more pufflings this year than I've seen in recent years (and I don't think it's just because I've spent more hours at Sumburgh Head!). 

Puffins at Sumburgh Head

More puffins at Sumburgh Head

Even more puffins at Sumburgh Head

Puffling and parent

Almost ready to fledge

Scat Ness

A splendid place in (almost) any weather - particularly good for wave watching when the wind and waves are right.

Wave watching at Scat Ness

More white water at Scat Ness

Next Month: More Shetland. More Pufflings.

August puffling at Sumburgh Head

Monthly Report, June 2024

After a very restless month in May, June was always going to involve a bit less travelling. Only one journey of note - the 'usual' periodic relocation from Oxford to Shetland.

Reporting Days: 30

Location: Oxford and Shetland

Distance Walked: 320 km

Distance Driven: 1620 km

Photographs Taken: Thousands - mostly orchids and auks


The time in Oxford was the opportunity to tame the garden (which thrived on the neglect allowed by No Mow May) - and to catch up with other neglected tasks and to spend a bit of time doing touristy things in Oxford and London, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity check out some of my local orchid spots.

Lye Valley, Oxford

Milham Ford Nature Park, Oxford

Relocation North

The drive from Oxford to Aberdeen (for the ferry North) is more than I like to do in one day, so I stopped for an overnight stay in Ecclefechan (and for a spot of gentle orchid spotting).

Roadside orchids, Ecclefechan


And having 'enjoyed' a relatively smooth Northlink crossing up to Lerwick, it was lovely to able to spend time watching the puffins at Sumburgh Head, and walking the beaches and headlands at the south end of Shetland.

Puffins in the Sunshine, Sumburgh Head, Shetland

Orchids on Shetland tend to be smaller than further south,
Scat Ness, Shetland

Puffins are rubbish at forming orderly queues,
Sumburgh Head, Shetland

Wave Watching, Scat Ness, Shetland

West Voe Beach, Shetland

Sumburgh Head, Shetland

Onto the Beach, Quendale, Shetland

Next Month

I can confidently predict, there will be lots more auks and lots more beaches.

Monthly Report, May 2024

One word summary of the month - Norway.

300 kilometres walked, many thousands of photos taken and an awful lot of train, bus and boat kilometres. 

The trip planning started last autumn, when I decided to figure out how to get from southern England to northern Norway without resorting to flying - turns out that it's easy but not very quick

Phase One: Oxford to Oslo  

So, how do you get from Oxford to Oslo without flying? Answer: Buses, boats and trains.  

Coach from Oxford to London, then train to Harwich for the first over-night boat of the month, Stena Brittanica (which is lot bigger than the Northlink boats I use between Aberdeen and Shetland).

After that it is several trains across the dramatically flat north German plain to Kiel on the Baltic Coast.  The journey can be done (relatively quickly) as a joined up journey, but I opted to have overnight stops in Amsterdam, Hamburg and Kiel (none of which I'd visited before).

From Kiel, it's another overnight cruise-ferry (Color Magic - even bigger than the Stena Brittanica) which delivers you into Oslo - the last few hours are a fantastic cruise up the Oslo Fjord.

And the reward for successfully completing Phase One was a couple of nights in Oslo, one of my favourite cities.


Leaving Kiel

Cruising up the OsloFjord

The Opera House, Oslo

Phase Two: Oslo to Kirkenes

This was the easiest part of the entire jaunt.  I started by taking the Bergenbanen, the direct train service across the mountains from Oslo to Bergen.  

And then after spending couple of days touristing in Bergen,  I headed to the Hurtigruten terminal for an evening departure on the MS Richard Witt heading north up the Norwegian coast and on to Kirkenes.  

The MS Richard Witt (named for the chap that started the Coastal Steamer in 1893) is now, like all the Hurtigruten ships part cruise liner and part ferry service.  There are 32 intermediate stops between Bergen and Kirkenes - some as long as 10 hours, and others as short as 10 minutes, and the schedule means that there is one long stop each day on the way north.

This was the second time I've done this journey.  I did in February 2012 on the MS Lofoten, which was definitely less cruise ship, more ferry.  

Over the course of 5 boat days, I was able to spend time on dry land in Alesund, Trondheim, Bodo, Tromso and Honningsvag - in addition to crossing the Arctic Circle (between Trondheim and Bodo) before disembarking in Kirkenes.



Crossing the Arctic Circle


Phase Three: Kirkenes to Oslo

Norway is very long (c. 1800 km or c. 1000 miles)  from north to south - but once you add in the twists, turns and idiosyncrasies of the road or rail networks it feels a lot longer than that.  My challenge was to get back to Oslo without flying.  

In northern Norway there aren't any trains so you have to reply on buses (or boats) for transport.  There are long distance buses but they are occasional, for example the first leg of my journey south was from Kirkenes to Alta - there was a one-bus-a-day route, which left at 06:16, which was a splendid incentive to get up early. 

The first three travelling days were from Kirkenes to Alta, Alta to Narvik and Narvik to Bodo.  There is a train station in Narvik, but it connects to the Swedish railway network - and there isn't really any way to rejoin the rest of the Norwegian rail network.

One of the highlights of this stage of the journey was being able to join in with Norwegian National Day celebrations while I was in Narvik - marking the day (in 1814) when Norway declared independence. 

Having made it to Bodo (another all day bus journey from Narvik) trains again became an option - even if they were on slow single track lines, high-speed trains don't feature strongly on the Norwegian train timetables! I split the journey back to Trondheim at Mo i Rana over two days mainly because i wanted see how Mo had changed since my first visit there in 2004. The big changes in Mo (as in most of the towns in northern Norway) seem to have involved building more shopping malls and more hotels!

And after a couple of nights in Trondheim, the final leg of this phase of the journey was down the Rorosbanen into Oslo.  

This phase of the journey could have been done in 5 days (three on buses, two on trains) - but I opted to do it over 9 days so I had some time to explore the towns en route (and get a bit of exercise!).


National Day in Narvik



Phase Four: Oslo to Oxford

I could have just done the reverse of the outward journey - but that seemed too easy.   

So I opted for the trains all the way to London. 

From Oslo to Gothenburg (for another two night stop, my one previous visit involved just changing trains), then to Copenhagen (where I did just change trains this time) and Hamburg, before heading to Brussels and the Eurostar back into London (and the Oxford Tube back to Oxford).





It is perfectly possible to get to Norway from London (or indeed from anywhere else in Europe) and to tour the country by public transport (and without flying).  But it does take time, particularly if you want to also add in time to explore the places you're passing through.  I think I got the balance between travelling and touristing days about right.

I bought the boat and train tickets in advance, and had prebooked the hotel accommodation too - the buses were pay as you go. And everywhere takes (and almost all insist on) credit cards - including the buses. The only times I needed cash were in one restaurant (in Hamburg) which didn't take cards at all, and on one train buffet car where the card machine stopped accepting foreign cards.

Would I do the trip again? Yes absolutely - I might rethink the journeys between London and Oslo - but otherwise would repeat the trip.  I'm sure I'll be back on the Norwegian trains, boats and buses again before too long.

But first, it's time to head to the far north of Scotland.