Apologies for the delayed monthly report - I got distracted.
March was (almost) all about Oxfordshire again - but one of the bonuses on Oxford in March is that no two days are the same. There was plenty of weather around - from winter-gear days through to garden-furniture days - and there's the constant round of new emerging plants every day - from daffodils and snowdrops through to bluebells, snake's head fritillaries and (almost) orchids.
Reporting Days: 31
Location: Oxford (mostly)
Miles walked: 120
Miles driven: 600 (and half of that was on the last day of the month)
Gardens Tended: 2
Photographs taken: Hundreds (mostly emerging flowers)
Snow drops in Bury Knowle Park, Oxford |
Storm Damage, Marston, Oxford |
Green Lane, Shotover, Oxford |
Frogs, Lye Valley, Oxford |
By the River, Iffley, Oxford |
Emerging Orchid, Sydlings Copse, Oxford |
Bluebells, Headington, Oxford |
Snake's Head Fritillaries, Binsey, Oxford
Dandelion & Tortoiseshell, Bury Knowle Park, Oxford |
And finally, heading north on the last day of March
Annandale Water Services, Lockerbie, Scotland |