Place Notes

Oxfordshire / Friday 6th December 2019

One of the paybacks of a long weekend on Shetland is the extent of the "To Do" list the following Friday.  I'm certainly not going to start grumbling about it, but it does rather shape the day.

The day, this time, included several shopping malls - and even (may I be forgiven) a garden centre. I may have already reached my CCQ (Christmas Carol Quota) for the season.

I did however manage to combine these retail experiences (apparently, one does not simply 'shop' anymore) with a slow peaceful wander through Mesopotamia.  Still plenty of water coming down the river - but at least the water levels have dropped far enough to make the path passable.

Cherwell Turbulence
Cherwell Still Water
A Splash of Colour on the Marston Cycle Path
Complating boundaries at one of the weirs between the two rivers.

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