Place Notes

In The Woods / Friday 13th December 2019

Friday the 13th. What could possibly go wrong?

At past elections I've often stayed up late to see the drama unfold, or at least kept a radio playing at the bedside to hear the story play out.  This time the exit poll was so overwhelmingly depressing that it didn't seem worth the missed nights sleep.

So rather unusually, for a post-election day, I was just pissed off rather than sleep deprived.

An early morning visit to a local Sainbury's started the day.  I was tempted to shout at anyone who looked remotely happy (and particularly the person on the check-out who asked me cheerfully "how my week was going?").  It's kind of hard not to judge people based on how you think they might have voted, which is (I guess) a bit unfair - even if I have been doing it on a daily basis since the referendum in 2016.

Having endured the retail crowds I headed for the solitude offered by Harcourt Arboretum - this is part of the University of Oxford, and linked with the Botanic Garden in the middle of Oxford. There isn't much going on at the arboretum at this time of year - even the pigs hadn't bothered getting up, and I was, for most of the time I was there, the only visitor.

There is a sense of the trees settling down for winter - the leaves have dropped, the surrounding bracken is dying back - and when the snow comes, the woods are ready.

Today, there was no sign of snow just some watery sunshine casting shadows between the tree trunks.

A calming place after a tumultuous night and a busy start to the morning.

Scots Pine - with pigs around the tree trunks
Let Sleeping Pigs Lie
Autumnal Layers 
Sun between the trees
Surrounded by bracken

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