Place Notes

Monthly Report, June 2024

After a very restless month in May, June was always going to involve a bit less travelling. Only one journey of note - the 'usual' periodic relocation from Oxford to Shetland.

Reporting Days: 30

Location: Oxford and Shetland

Distance Walked: 320 km

Distance Driven: 1620 km

Photographs Taken: Thousands - mostly orchids and auks


The time in Oxford was the opportunity to tame the garden (which thrived on the neglect allowed by No Mow May) - and to catch up with other neglected tasks and to spend a bit of time doing touristy things in Oxford and London, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity check out some of my local orchid spots.

Lye Valley, Oxford

Milham Ford Nature Park, Oxford

Relocation North

The drive from Oxford to Aberdeen (for the ferry North) is more than I like to do in one day, so I stopped for an overnight stay in Ecclefechan (and for a spot of gentle orchid spotting).

Roadside orchids, Ecclefechan


And having 'enjoyed' a relatively smooth Northlink crossing up to Lerwick, it was lovely to able to spend time watching the puffins at Sumburgh Head, and walking the beaches and headlands at the south end of Shetland.

Puffins in the Sunshine, Sumburgh Head, Shetland

Orchids on Shetland tend to be smaller than further south,
Scat Ness, Shetland

Puffins are rubbish at forming orderly queues,
Sumburgh Head, Shetland

Wave Watching, Scat Ness, Shetland

West Voe Beach, Shetland

Sumburgh Head, Shetland

Onto the Beach, Quendale, Shetland

Next Month

I can confidently predict, there will be lots more auks and lots more beaches.

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