Place Notes

Monthly Report, May 2022

This was a month of two halves - first half searching for bluebells and orchids around Oxfordshire, and the second half back on Shetland hanging out with the puffins (and other birds too) .

Reporting Days: 31

Location: Oxford & Shetland

Miles Walked: 130

Miles Driven: 972

Gardens Tended: 3

Photographs Taken: Thousands (mostly puffins)


Bluebells, Sydlings Copse

Early Purple Orchids, Sydlings Copse

Green-winged Orchids, Bernwood Meadows

Bluebells, Shotover Country Park

Early Marsh Orchids, Lye Valley


Wave-watching at Scat Ness

Nest building at Sumburgh Head

Who's Watching Who at Sumburgh Head

Razorbill at Sumburgh Head

Black Guillemot at Scat Ness

Chattering Fulmar at Sumburgh Head

Lapwing chick at Grutness

And next month - you can expect more puffins - and more orchids...

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