Place Notes

Monthly Report, March 2022

 Apologies for the delayed monthly report - I got distracted.

March was (almost) all about Oxfordshire again - but one of the bonuses on Oxford in March is that no two days are the same.   There was plenty of weather around - from winter-gear days through to garden-furniture days - and there's the constant round of new emerging plants every day - from daffodils and snowdrops through to bluebells, snake's head fritillaries and (almost) orchids.

Reporting Days: 31

Location: Oxford (mostly)

Miles walked: 120

Miles driven: 600 (and half of that was on the last day of the month)

Gardens Tended: 2

Photographs taken: Hundreds (mostly emerging flowers)

Snow drops in Bury Knowle Park, Oxford

Storm Damage, Marston, Oxford

Green Lane, Shotover, Oxford

Frogs, Lye Valley, Oxford

By the River, Iffley, Oxford

Emerging Orchid, Sydlings Copse, Oxford

Bluebells, Headington, Oxford

Snake's Head Fritillaries, Binsey, Oxford

Dandelion & Tortoiseshell, Bury Knowle Park, Oxford

And finally, heading north on the last day of March

Annandale Water Services, Lockerbie, Scotland