Place Notes

12 Days Wild

The 12 Days Wild initiative from the Wildlife Trusts is always a good incentive to drag myself away from the cheeseboard for a few of the daylight hours each day over the Christmas & New Year break.

Each year we visit regular walks and try to add a very new walks into the collection too - even if on some days it's not much more than a scout round the garden to make sure that the feeders are full and that the pond hasn't frozen over.

Day 1: River Cherwell

Day 2: Green Lane, Shotover

Day 3: Checking the feeders

Day 4: Lye Valley

Day 5: Pond Life

Day 6: Parson's Pleasure

Day 7: C S Lewis Nature Reserve

Day 8: Stoke Place

Day 9: Aston Rowant

Day 10: Ivinghoe Beacon

Day 11: Uffington White Horse

Day 12: Littleworth Nature Reserve

Next stop - 30 Days Wild in June. 

Monthly Report, December 2021

Another southern month - with a photographic tendency towards trees plus sunrises and sunset - and occasional ornithological interludes.

Reporting Days: 31

Location: Oxford

Miles walked: 97

Miles driven: 354

Gardens tended: 2

Photographs taken: hundreds (mostly trees)


Still hints of autumn colour at the start of the month - but definitely into full winter look by mid-month.

Green Lane, Shotover

BBOWT Warburg

BBOWT Sydlings Copse

Sunrises & Sunsets

Several fleeting but dramatic sunrises - and even the occasional sunset too.

Sunrise from the office window

Sunrise from the office window

Sunset in Bury Knowle Park


Lots of activity around the garden feeders - but swans and kingfishers elsewhere.

Starlings in the garden

Swans at Weston Turville Reservoir

Kingfisher on Port Meadow