Place Notes

Monthly Report, September 2021

 Cue the transition from summer to autumn, and another transition from Oxford to Shetland.

Sunrise: Arriving back on Shetland

  • Reporting Days: 30

  • Location: Mostly OX3 - but just made it back to ZE3 for the end of the month

  • Miles walked: 115

  • Miles driven: 720 (fuel shortage didn't really have an impact)

  • Gardens tended: 1 (mostly digging)

  • Puffins seen: None

  • Orchids seen: None

  • Ponds dug: 1

  • Birthdays celebrated: 1 (yes, another one)

  • Photographs taken: hundreds (mostly trees)

Oxford Sunset

Visiting the Oxford Botanics

Watching autumn arrive, Green Lane, Shotover

Garden birdwatching

Pond Life: Have been meaning to dig a pond for ages

And any month that closes with a glimpse of the northern lights is OK in my book.

Mirrie Dancers

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