Place Notes

30 Days Wild - June 2021 (Year 7)

I can't imagine not doing the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild challenge each year.   

This challenge started in June 2015 with the encouragement to do something a wee bit wild each day for the month - and it's been going ever since (sometimes joined by it's winter partner, to mark the now traditional 12 Wild Days of Christmas).

Each year (for me) a new theme emerges - and I guess with hindsight this year that the theme has been orchids.  I'm starting to understand the enthusiasm that some folks have for these fascinating wee plants.

So, to mark the end of this years 30 Days Wild challenge, a few orchids - mostly around Oxford, but a few Shetlandic ones towards the end of the month. Maybe by next year I'll be able to identify them reliably.

And, orchids aside, my two favourite pictures from the month - a grey squirrel at the C S Lewis Reserve in Oxford, and a puffin amongst the sea pinks at Sumburgh Head on Shetland.

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