Place Notes

Monthly Report, April 2021

Still in LockDown (mostly) - but it is good to feel that the LockDown is gradually lifting - just soon enough to allow a dash for the North at the end of the month - so the blog post gets written in a Premier Inn just outside Carlisle en route to the ferry from Aberdeen.

The routine of the local walks has been enhanced by the emergence of the signs of spring, with just the occasional reminder that the process of warming up isn't always linear.

  • Reporting Days: 30

  • Location: Mostly Oxford

  • Miles walked: 88 (no excuses, just lack of enthusiasm for the local walks)

  • Miles driven: 650 (almost half of these on the last day of the month)

  • Gardens Tended: 2

  • Puffins Seen: None (except on the Sumburgh Head webcams)

  • Photographs Taken: Dozens (mostly bluebells)

  • Vaccinations Received: None this month

  • Laternal Flow Tests Completed: 3 (all negative)

Always good to see the fritillaries reappearing

The bluebells are running a bit late this year

Some days were warm enough to sit out

And warm enough to encourage the blossom

Bird life gets ever more active during April

And occasionally there is a wee reminder that winter has only just gone

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