Place Notes

Monthly Report, February 2021

Another month spent in LockDown - so instead of wandering the Austrian mountains in search of strudel (February last year) or the Shetland beaches in search of whales (February most years), I got to spend another four weeks in search of snowdrops around the paths of Headington.

So, by the numbers

  • Reporting Days: 28
  • Location: Oxford
  • Miles Walked: 92 (it was a short month)
  • Miles Driven: 120 (well, there is a LockDown On)
  • Gardens Tended: 1
  • Puffins Seen: None - but lots of sparrows, starlings, magpies and red kites - plus the occasional jay, dunnock, jackdaw, blackcap and goldfinch
  • Photographs Taken: Dozens (mostly muddy paths)
  • Vaccinations Received: None :-(

Snowdrops in Stoke Place

Snow and Ice in the C S Lewis Reserve

Muddy Paths at Shotover

Scarlet Elf Cups at Sydlings Copse

Geese on the River at Parson's Pleasure

Frog Action in the Lye Valley

It would be good to think that it might be possible to go somewhere before the end of March - but I fear that a little more patience might be required.

February Virtual World Tour via the Map Box