Place Notes

Happy Birthday / Sumburgh Head

I think it's important that birthdays get marked.

This is particularly true for 'round' birthdays - those that end in a "0".

So, it must, it would seem to me, to be very particularly true of birthdays that end in "00".

Today (15th January 2021) is one of those birthdays - Happy 200th Birthday (Lightday?) to the Sumburgh Head lighthouse which was first lit on Monday 15th January 1821.

I first visited Sumburgh Head in January 2007, when it was a mere 186 years old - and over the last fourteen years I've visited many, many times.  

I've visited in every month of the year, sometimes hoping for whales or puffins, sometimes to get a fix of the history associated with the Head or the lighthouse itself, sometimes to watch passing boats and sometimes to watch the waves either out on the the east side or rolling into West Voe - and sometimes just in search of coffee. 

Here are a few of my favourite pictures (one from each month of the year) of the Sumburgh Head lighthouse - from my first visit in January 2007 through to my most recent visit just a few weeks ago.

January 2007

February 2005

March 2011

April 2018

May 2019

June 2011

July 2020

August 2014

September 2012

October 2010

November 2019

December 2020

And once again - many Happy Returns of the Day - and may your light always shine brightly - and thank you for all the fish.

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