Place Notes

Monthly Report, August 2020

New month, new report.

  • Reporting Days: 31
  • Location: Oxford (not sure how that happened)
  • Miles Walked: 134
  • Miles Driven: 200
  • Gardens Tended: 1 (Oxford)
  • Puffins Seen: None
  • Photographs Taken: Hundreds (mostly trees)
  • Zoom/Teams/Hangout Meetings Attended: 0

Another very satisfactory month - despite not managing to get back to Shetland (if you're trying not to fly, it's not easy to do a quick trip North) and some rather indifferent weather down south - I did manage to spend plenty of time away from the desk and in and around the local Oxfordshire nature reserves. I have successfully avoided any Zoom, Teams or Hangout meetings again. 

This month the southern garden got significantly more attention that it has recently - several of the bigger shrubs have been restored to the size they were ten years ago (have pencilled in another round of chopping for mid-2030) and it feels a lot more open now.

C S Lewis Nature Reserve

River Cherwell at Mesopotamia

Lye Valley

Shotover Country Park

Between C S Lewis and Shotover

Objectives for the coming month; getting back to Shetland - but hoping that someone else will cut the grass and finish painting the northern fences that didn't get done last month.

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