Place Notes

Staycation Friday / 22nd May 2020

Friday Blog #30.  I can honestly say that when I started these Friday blogs back in November I didn't anticipate composing quite so many of them in - and about - OX3, but here we go again, further thoughts from Oxford.

Staycation Walk: Shotover Country Park

I've never liked the term staycation.

I'm never sure quite what's its supposed to mean? Is it a holiday where you stay(1) in this country rather than heading overseas? And does Shetland count as overseas? - there's certainly plenty of water under the Northlink boat between Aberdeen and Lerwick.  Is it a non-working period of time when you stay(2) at home and venture off on day trips.  Or it is time where you stay(3) put at home and find ways to amuse yourself without going out (or maybe, catch up on the house and garden chores that never quite get done).

Variant three ('stay put') is really where the country has mostly been for the last couple of months - with, on paper at least, variant two ('day trips allowed') now apparently being an option in England - provided you don't want to cross the border from England into either Scotland or Wales.

I'm taking the view that for the foreseeable future I'm still not venturing further than walking distance from the house (other than for very occasional essentials), so I'm definitely in the variant three staycation.  Just the thought of venturing to a day trip 'destination' and the inevitable crowds of people takes me into nervous twitch territory.

Staycation Walk: Bury Knowle Park

With today's announcement of a UK incoming travel quarantine it looks as if staycation (in one or other of the variants) is going to be the default for most of us this summer - unless presumably you're a cabinet minister or associated minder.  I'm still hoping that travel to the Scottish islands is going to be an option sooner rather than later - early July would suit me well.

Essential Journeys Only - has only been off the drive once in the last 70 days.

Back in LockDown Oxford, we are fortunate that almost all essentials are findable either within walking distance or can be delivered to the house.  Our delivery list got extended this week from veg, coffee, bread, beer and books to include flour, washing-up liquid and office furniture - never mind wanting more living space for the next LockDown, we need more storage space.

New Office Chair - ordered at the start of the LockDown
Ready, Set, Bake

So while my vacation plans meant spending today around Freiburg, the staycation plans meant mostly spending today around Headington.  I might have been wandering footpaths in the Black Forest, I did spend a while this morning wandering around the 'lost' paths in the grounds of Headington Hill Hall.

Staycation Walk: Headington Hill Hall

Staycation in the garden

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