Place Notes

Do Photographers Dream of Electric Cars?

Here's the thing.  I'd like to replace my diesel-powered, 4-wheel drive little SUV.  It's done over 100,000 miles since I bought it new for £18K about 7 years ago.

I'd really like to replace it with an electric car, not one of those hybrid things, a proper new-fangled just "plug it in and it goes" electric car.

But here's the other thing.  I don't do very much heavy mileage these days, but I do drive up to the Scottish mountains from Oxford every now and again - and the 500 mile run between Oxford and Aberdeen (for the Shetland boat) is likely to continue to feature for a while yet.  At the moment I can drive from Oxford to Aberdeen or vice versa on one tank of diesel - how much more complicated is my life going to be if I need to find a charging point half way (or worse at each third). I've got enough going on without adding range anxiety to the collection of ailments!

I've been looking at the options. There are cars with similar carrying capacity to my little SUV (it rarely has more than two people - but those two people often have a lot of stuff).  There are cars that have four-wheel drive, and having had that for a while it does give an extra level of control/confidence when the weather is less than ideal.  There are cars that can at least get me from Oxford to the Scottish border (always an important landmark) on one charge - but are there going to be any plugs to use there when my fuel gauge gets to 'E' or 0%?

And here's the last thing.

The cost.

I know I'm probably going to save on fuel costs. I know I'm going to be doing a bit less damage to the planet.  But still, you don't get much electric car for £18K - even factoring in a bit of inflation (and the fact that the pound has tanked against pretty much everything) you very quickly get into double that and way more too.  Affordable isn't the word that comes to mind.

Not sure where that leaves me.  Do I wait another couple of years hoping that the options will get wider (probably), that the range will get better (probably) or that the price will fall (probably not)?

It took me while to bite the digital bullet with my photography - I put off buying a digital camera until the costs dropped (which meant I missed out on buying one of the overpriced low-resolution versions that started the rush).

Will the same happen with cars - the prices will drop, with the range (like the resolution of the camera) getting forever better.  Not sure the analogy really works - I never felt guilty using an extra roll of Ektachrome, not like the extra tank of diesel.

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