Place Notes

2019 Performance Review

It's all about the numbers.   So I thought it was right to review 2019 via a series of Key Performance Indicators, and so that we can see where there has been improved (or, gasp, degraded) performance since 2018.

Pictures of the Day

365 in 2018 / 365 in 2019.  Limited scope for improvement in 2020 here, but it would be appropriate to set a stretch goal of 366 for the new year.

Pictures of the Month

12 in 2018 / 12 in 2019.  See below for evidence from 2019. Aim is for another 12 in 2020.

Photos taken  

Total number of photographs taken was about 25000 in 2018 and that's fallen to about 24000 in 2019.  Of those (and this is entirely subjective, but hey, it's my blog post/performance review) about 800 were 'decent' in 2018 and about 700 were 'decent' in 2019.

Desk Days

During 2018 I think I spent about 150 days at desks, and rather disappointingly that rose to over 200 in 2019.    There's definitely scope to reduce the number, significantly, in 2020.

Distance Walked

In 2018 I walked just under 2000 miles, again I need to report reduced productivity here - I've only managed 1700 miles in the past year, certainly related to the challenges involved in logging up miles while sitting at a desk.  I think it's time to reset the annual target to 2000 miles.

Blood Donations

I've carried on giving blood regularly - 5 donations in 2018 and another 4 in 2019.  Hoping to manage another 4 in 2020.


In 2018 I managed 6 trips to Shetland, and the good news is that I managed 10 stays in 2019, however the bad news is that having spent 63 nights on Shetland in 2018, I only clocked up 39 in 2019.  Definitely scope for spending more time in the Wild North next year.    It would also be good to be use the boat more than the plane in the new year - I only managed to use the boat for one trip, which meant that I've taken way more flights than is defensible.

Blog Posts

And finally, in 2018 I posted 28 blog entries, in 2019 this soared to 29 (but only because I started doing a weekly Friday Blog for the last two months of the year).

Pictures of the Month 2019

January - Oxfordshire
February - Scat Ness
March - Brei Geo
April - Oxfordshire
May - Sumburgh Head
June - Grutness 
July - Sumburgh Head
August - Wick of Shunni
September - Virkie
October - London
November - Scat Ness
December - Shotover Country Park

1 comment:

  1. Love your 'pictures of the month' - all of them. Looking forward to the 2020 set. And might steal the idea :)
