Place Notes

Into the Valley / 20th December 2019

A rather strange Friday.

In some ways just a normal 'not-working' Friday, in other ways it felt like it ought to be the start of the long Christmas break (it isn't, I'm back at my desk on Monday morning).

The plan for the morning was to explore some of more remote parts of the Lye Valley - despite the rain, which switched between heavy and torrential.  The usual walk along the valley boardwalk was peaceful albeit wet, and it was good to see the work by the reserve volunteers, particularly in adding barriers to control the water flow.  The reserve is particularly vulnerable to heavy rain and the local building development has made the 'flash floods' worse - I'm inclined to suggest that a family of beavers might have been recruited to help with the work, but I suspect there are rules about this sort of thing.

Having walked the boardwalk I set out to explore one of paths along the edge of the reserve. At the moment the edge of the reserve is almost entirely built up, and there are moves afoot to 'fill in' the one stretch where there is a boundary path.  This won't do the reserve any favours, and will inevitably lead to move water getting flushed into the valley.

Into the Valley
We need beavers
Along the boardwalk
Looking into the valley from the boundary path

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