Place Notes

Shifting Baselines / Otmoor / Friday 22nd November 2019

Long ago (back in October) I used to struggle through to Friday, looking forward to the way-too-short two-day weekend, and occasionally contemplating the freedom and opportunity that my new work pattern was going to give me. 

Now, I struggle through to Thursday, looking forward to the new improved (but still too short) three-day weekend, wondering (i) how (and why) I ever routinely managed a five day working week, and (ii) how soon I can legitimately start petitioning for a three day working week and a four day weekend. 

It struck me that this was a classic (close to home) example of a Shifting Baseline.  Where I might at one time have thought that the five day week was the norm and a four day was something to be aspired to, it very quickly turns to four days being the norm and a three day work week becomes the pattern to aspire to.

On this particular Friday, it seemed like a good idea to return to RSPB Otmoor for a rather more leisurely wander than last week.

Apparently I 'just missed' one of the resident otters and the kingfisher wasn't in evidence, but there were plenty of the usual suspects (and very few people - other than a very diligent volunteer work party) around.

Next week, hopefully a bit further north.

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