Place Notes

Best Foot Forward

Today (5th April) is Walking to Work Day, so it seemed like a good time to review how far I've walked this year.

At the start of 2018 I signed up to walk 1000 miles in 2018. 

I very quickly realised that since I'd walked just over 1300 miles the previous year this wasn't a very ambitious target, so I set myself a revised target of 1500 miles, which later got updated to 2000 miles.

By year end (and I'm blaming the rubbish weather in November and December) I actually clocked just over 1927 miles.

One thing that changed during the 2018 was my working pattern.  I changed from working limited hours but with a long (car-based) commute, to a few months where I had lots of time away from desks (and thus lots of time for walking) to a job where I worked more hours but I could walk to work.  This meant I had more time for short walks but less time for long walks.

So how's this year going? By this point last year I'd managed to clock up about 550 miles, this year I've only got to 410.

Must try harder - or at least further.

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