Place Notes

Missing Dora

Long long ago we bought a house in Oxford, and with that house we acquired Solomon, a lovely ginger cat who stayed with us for the next 11 years.

When Solomon died we really didn't have any immediate plans to get another cat.  However, the word had clearly gotten out around the local cat community that our house was a great place to spend a feline retirement, and Dora came calling.

Having checked the place out Dora (at that point already 13 years old) announced her arrival and moved two doors down the street to join us - and she then stayed for another 7 years, until the years finally caught up with her this week.   She's been a fantastic companion over the 7 years and is sorely missed.

At the moment it's difficult to imagine getting another cat, but there again we really don't know what the local cat community has planned.

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