Place Notes

Aurora Log 2012 (updated to end March)

Having now seen (and photographed) the Northern Lights several times this year, I thought it was time to put together a log of where and when I'd seen the Mirrie Dancers

22 January Virkie, Shetland
Flickr set
15 February Kjollefjord, Norway
15 February Svolvaer, Lofoten
Flickr set
15 March Whalsay, Shetland
Flickr set
16 March Virkie, Shetland
17 March Virkie, Shetland
Flickr set
30 March 00:46 Oulanka National Park, Finland
Youtube timelapse
30 March 23:06 Oulanka National Park, Finland
31 March Oulanka National Park, Finland
Youtube timelapse

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